There’s an interesting discussion on the BlogSquad’s blog about how domains are handled by TypePad vs. WordPress.

A TypePad link to Denise’s blogpost “Tom Antion Reveals The Secrets of HIS Success to The Blog Squad” is

On a WordPress blog this would be

Now, which link has more keywords?

tom-antion-reve.html <-- this truncated post title or tom-antion-reveals-the-secrets-of-his-success-to-the-blog-squad.html <-- the full title And, btw, you can edit these links, if you wish, to get rid of extra words such as "to, and, the" etc. Another example, from my own blogsite is also the permalink to this blog post.

On TypePad permalinks are in the form of:

Ask yourself this: do I want to build links to TypePad and building their Google Page Rank, or my own domain?

I don’t like dealing in absolutes, so I won’t say WP is better than TP, but in this particular area it shines.

What do you think?

By commenting on this blogpost, I accidentally discovered another weak spot in TypePad, and it has to do with displaying long links in posts. Take a look at how long URLs are displayed here, in my post, then compare the same in TypePad.