There’s an interesting discussion on the BlogSquad’s blog about how domains are handled by TypePad vs. WordPress.
A TypePad link to Denise’s blogpost “Tom Antion Reveals The Secrets of HIS Success to The Blog Squad” is
On a WordPress blog this would be
Now, which link has more keywords?
tom-antion-reve.html <-- this truncated post title or tom-antion-reveals-the-secrets-of-his-success-to-the-blog-squad.html <-- the full title And, btw, you can edit these links, if you wish, to get rid of extra words such as "to, and, the" etc. Another example, from my own blogsite is also the permalink to this blog post.
On TypePad permalinks are in the form of:
Ask yourself this: do I want to build links to TypePad and building their Google Page Rank, or my own domain?
I don’t like dealing in absolutes, so I won’t say WP is better than TP, but in this particular area it shines.
What do you think?
By commenting on this blogpost, I accidentally discovered another weak spot in TypePad, and it has to do with displaying long links in posts. Take a look at how long URLs are displayed here, in my post, then compare the same in TypePad.
This was one of the main reasons why I moved my blogs from to I’m not sure this is the reason why my blogs now rank higher in Google searches than before, but mysteriously, they actually do.
Correction: this display problem seems to be browser-related. It’s FireFox that’s having problems displaying long URLs in blog posts, not TypePad. This entry looks fine when I view it in Safari on the Mac, but not so good in FireFox.
What’s your experience? Do you see the long URL mentioned in this post as complete (should end with .html) or truncated? Here it is again:
You said “On TypePad permalinks are in the form of:”
Obviously wrong. That’s a trackback URL, not a permalink. *Totally* different things.
Anirvan, you’re right, I should have said “trackbacks.” Thanks for setting me straight.
i have been using WordPress for 2 years but i still dont know how to do SEO using WordPress, is there an SEO pluggin for WordPress?.
Matt, you should check out All in One SEO Pack. This one of the most popular SEO plugins for WordPress.
I have both used these platform for my blogs and I have also received great results while using them. Very insightful post, thanks for sharing it…
Since the success and popularity of a search engine is determined by its ability to produce the most relevant results to any given search, allowing those results to be false would turn users to find other search sources. Search engines responded by developing more complex ranking algorithms, taking into account additional factors that were more difficult for webmasters to manipulate.
Great article! I’ve been looking for some info on SEO and how it works, and this has some awesome insights! As I’ve looked around, I have found this and to be the most helpful. Thanks for sharing!