Luka getting ready for schoolIn most countries, September is the time kids return or start school. Last week I took my son Luka to his first half-hour visit with his old kindergarten teacher. Yesterday he went to school for an hour, and on Wednesday, he’s in for half-day. Only on Friday does he go for his first full day of kindergarten.

He’s very proud of being a ‘Senior’ this year, and he’s thrilled that most of his old friends from JK are going to be in his class this year, too.

This “go slow” (re)entry to the school system seems like a good idea you could apply to your business, too. Let’s say you meet someone at a networking event, or even at a social function. I wouldn’t recommend that you go into “full frontal assault” and try to convert this prospect to a client on the spot.

Instead, offer to sign him up to your ezine, or some sort of resource that will allow your prospect to get to know you first. If you do it gradually, and create arelationship first, when the time comes to convert your prospect to a client, your chances of success will be much higher.